Making Sense of and Bringing Together All the Reasonable Scientific Hypotheses and Legends of Worldwide Cultures About a Global Flood.

The Great Deluge is the story of a huge global flood that caused mass destruction for humanity. However, the story is placed in the file of legends and myths by today's the most distant survivors. If it happened, it was a long time ago and could not occur again, unless you are worried about global warming and rising sea levels. The story is terrifying and should be well forgotten. The flood story, as will be pointed out, includes other terrifying events that occurred almost simultaneously. Technically, at present, the story is a complete mystery because the water inventory for a fast global rise in sea level cannot be accounted for. Also, the so-called 40 days and 40 nights of rain in the Noah flood story, if true, is difficult to conceive of scientifically.

These papers will give accountable reasons for such waters and where they came from and went. For starters, if the ice sheets of Antarctica fully melted, the sea level would rise 60 meters. If Greenland fully melted, there would be a further rise of six meters. That would amount to a total of about 200 feet. But what would cause a sudden rise in days and weeks instead of years and decades, as is anticipated with global warming? The reasons for the sudden rise will be addressed. But first, other major floods throughout man's history will be discussed to eliminate any confusion. The Northern Hemisphere's glaciation and Antarctica's thicker ice sheets are theorized to have caused a global sea-level drop of more than 120 meters (390 feet) over the past 22,000 years. As early man created settlements and small cities, especially close to ocean shorelines, plenty of opportunities arose for major flooding when the ice caps began melting during interglacial warm periods from 22,000 years ago to the present.

Did a Global Flood Cause a Major Extinction of Flora and Fauna and Wipe Out Humankind's Achievements and Memories of a Golden Age 11,500 Years Ago?

Preface for The Great Deluge: Fact or Fiction?

This book is a technical explanation of the legendary Great Deluge, which has been explored scientifically by other authors in recent years. Evidence from both Earth and space sciences is provided to support this hypothesis. The occurrences surrounding this global disaster are complicated and require some scientific knowledge, at least at the high school level. This flood is not only documented in the Christian Bible but in the traditions of varied cultures on every continent. The storyline does not need to distance anyone from their belief in God. God and his ways can be manifested by the rules and laws of modern scientific knowledge. There is good reason that a God operates with these laws in mind. If you are intimidated by mixing and crossing between the physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, and space science, and the life/social sciences, such as biology, archeology, and geography, then this book may not be for you. There is mathematics presented, but nothing that goes substantially into advanced calculus or statistics. If you love reading about the various scientific disciplines that may lead you to this extraordinary hypothesis of the Great Deluge, then you should enjoy this book. The material is no more difficult than reading magazines such as Scientific American or the Smithsonian.

The reader will be treated to numerous controversies regarding why it happened, when it happened, how it happened, and how it affected mankind's civilizations.  Current consensus thinking is that the seeds of civilizations started about 11,000 years BP, called the Stone Age, which is after the hypothesized Great Deluge. This book regards that advanced civilizations existed thousands of years before the flood and were mostly wiped out. These ancient cultures cannot be well dated because the flood and other subsequent calamitous events through time destroyed their infrastructure and artifacts, leaving behind only some stone megaliths and anomalous artifacts whose timelines cannot be accurately measured. Better dating methods and more data are now corroborating that ancient cultures are indeed much older than 11,500 years BP, the approximate date for the Great Deluge. This author's research will outline which ideas of previous scientists are accepted and, in some cases, which parts of their ideas have to be rejected.

To start the reader with an easy understanding of this comparatively recent catastrophe, various episodes or distinctly separated events will be presented utilizing a chronological and pictorial tour. The Great Deluge occurred during the historical transition of the Pleistocene/Holocene eras, when the Holocene mass extinction occurred. The timeline for this transition goes back to the Younger Dryas geological period and is identified by various modern dating methods – chiefly radiometric. Some Biblical experts try to explain the Great Deluge based on compiling years that were recorded in the books of the Old Testament of the Jewish and Christian Bibles. This author only accepts the modern consensus dating for the Younger Dryas as the time when the Great Deluge occurred (with some small exceptions).

Many distinct calamitous events occurred before, during, and after the Great Deluge. Please do not reject this storyline because you cannot accept all these events; the scope of these calamities provides a reader a chance to selectively question and create possibly even a better technical accounting of the planetary forensics presented. A rough outline is given in a companion book with a tour of illustrations. Read the companion book before delving into the more detailed text and charts of the main book. The reader must be open-minded on many fronts to absorb all the details of this catastrophe that drove mankind back into the Stone Age.

The timeline for these events starts with the arrival of celestial visitors, the Nemesis-brown dwarf star, including its own planets. More can be read about the Sun's orbiting sister star here.

Then, both the Sun and Nemesis became increasingly active due to an exchange of electrical charges in the form of dark and glowing plasma, sometimes recorded by surviving observers of the ancient sky. The fireworks in the ancient skies created from other visits by Nemesis are recorded and cataloged as archetypes by David Talbott. The Sun generated large amounts of solar wind that increasingly magnetized the Earth's dipole magnetic field. Then a highly improbable conjunction of the Earth, Sun, Nemesis star, Mars, and one or more of Nemesis's planets created a series-type circuit of interplanetary Birkland currents that discharged onto the Earth's pre-deluge North Pole located south of the Hudson Bay. The immense electrical discharge splattered the ice sheet and launched ice shards and ice rocks onto surrounding areas, eventually sputtering deeper rocky materials that formed the astroblemes of the Hudson and James Bays. This high-energy discharge made Earth's magnetic dipole even more intense. The compilation of related events is continued with other calamities listed below:

  • Movement and disorder of the ancient sky are caused by the Earth's rotation of the crustal/mantle shell (CMS) that then changed the oblateness of the Earth's surface and disrupted the surface crust, causing elevation changes, earthquakes, increased volcanism, lake run-offs, and river directional changes.
  • Destruction of the civilization of Plato's Atlantis occurred at this time. Atlantis sank and was buried in the mid-Atlantic ocean due to 'hydroplates' releasing superheated water and muck high into the atmosphere along oceanic rifts. This unique idea of 'hydroplates,' subterranean reservoirs of trapped super-pressurized water, comes from Walter Brown, Ph. D., and is fully recognized by this book.
  • The asphyxiation and burial of mammoths and other mega-fauna in Siberia and Alaska due to jettisoned steam and muck from the 'hydroplates' froze in the upper regions of the stratosphere in the north polar region before falling with ferocious, high density onto the latitudinally relocated landscape.
  • Dramatic uplift and destruction of Puma Punka, an ancient but advanced industrial complex in Bolivia, on top of a plateau in the Andes mountain range was due to the accelerated expansion of subterranean heated rock and a coincident phase change.
  • Sinking of the Land of Mu, large island chains with advanced cultures, into the Southern Pacific left behind only small clusters of exposed tips of volcanoes now called the Polynesian Islands. Inca traditions claim that their first leaders came from the sea, most likely from Mu.
  • Finally, the most culminating and better-known event is initiated. The East Antarctica ice sheet sinks, then floats, and slides on top of a slush layer into the Southern Ocean to cause the Great Deluge. The existing ocean level rises in steps about 395 feet higher, wiping out most of mankind's advanced civilizations if not already destroyed by previous horrific calamities.
  • Squatter or stick men, glowing/stable electrical discharges between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface, electrically sputtered rocky material to mysteriously form buttes, mesas, and pinnacles in the Southwest and in other high plateau regions worldwide. The energy transfer also melted subterranean rock to bubble upward to produce anomalous hoodoos and arches.
  • Flatiron rocks were formed from plasma electric-dust storms that deposited triangular-shaped layers against mountain ridges worldwide. This abundant electrical energy in the ionosphere is eventually bled off from the ionosphere onto the Earth's magnetosphere tail, then spreading into the realm of the Sun's heliosphere bubble. The ionosphere rises, and normal electrical activity resumes.

This pictorial review is a broad-brush outline of the more important calamitous events that surrounded the Great Deluge. Remember that the trigger for these events is celestial intruders, which are predicted to keep returning periodically but, hopefully, not always creating such unspeakable tragedy for life on this planet.

This book provides numerous 'versions' for explaining the events surrounding the Great Deluge. The best known is the Christian Bible story of Noah, where God intercedes – but little scientific detail of why or how it happened is given. The assumption is that God performed this deed, and no further understanding is required. I have gathered several excellent 'versions' that provide technical reasons. Some of the best 'versions' are found in the books Cataclysm by Allan & Delair and In the Beginning by Walt Brown. However, their credibility is seriously questioned by me and others because not all of their presentations can be accepted as consensus science. The 'versions' of this book explain reasons for acceptance of their ideas, but also the rejection of other ideas and the inclusion of completely new ideas or hypotheses.

Any 'version' is, of course, speculative and highly controversial. But, now those curious people who have and will continue to ask, "Where did the floodwaters and continuous rain come from?" - have a much better and more complete compilation of events and technical reasons for their occurrence. The most up-to-date physical science and natural history data is utilized. Eliminating serious incoherent reasoning of the previous author's presentation helps to elevate their credibility. The important contention of this book is that all planetary forensics, especially on Earth, should be explained by the best scientific reasons and logic at hand. All the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle must fit together. Hypotheses, if not theories, are needed to help explain Earth's mysteries. Enigmas are not to be feared and placed on the library shelf and forgotten. No harm is done to expose and explore these difficult and sometimes secretive and forbidden mysteries. A controversial hypothesis will always lead to a continued advancement in our scientific thinking.

Preface Addendum for New Research and the Evolution of Thought Since the First Release in 2017 into Website

As I wrote this addendum in late 2018, enough time has passed to judge the validity of some of my hypotheses expressed in The Great Deluge: Fact or Fiction, written in 2016.  It is important to comment on some changes in thought that occurred due to recent research and the awareness of new ideas by others. These new ideas came primarily from Robert Johnston in his article "Collaborating Massive Solar Eruptions Causing Catastrophism on Earth," published in the NCGT Journal in 2014, and from Andrew Hall's "Arc Blasts -Parts 1, 2, and 3" articles found in Johnston predicted that super-mega coronal mass ejections (CMEs) struck the Earth, shrunk the magnetosphere against the ionosphere, and supplied enough electrical energy to heat the tectonic boundaries. This, in turn, thermally and ionically expanded the rock in those regions to dramatically uplift the already existing mountain ridges and plateaus in a synchronous, rapid fashion. Hall, on the other hand, predicted that supersonic ionic dust storms created flatiron rocks and other mysterious landscapes such as buttes, pinnacles, hoodoos, and arches on elevated plateaus. Induced volcanism may have supplied much of this dust, but certainly, the stickmen (worldwide glowing archetypes) sputtered away rock surfaces to produce most of the electrified dust required by Hall's hypothesis.

These concepts were fully adopted to further corroborate my Great Deluge hypothesis and the Nemesis star. The Nemesis star hypothesis and a follow-up paper, Ancient Sun-God Descriptions Give Proof for an Orbiting Nemesis Star, are now required even more for producing Robertson's anomalous CME's. What Robertson lacked was the needed electrical interaction of a predicted brown dwarf star and the Sun, which dramatically triggered new activity in the Sun to produce intense solar winds and then finally super-massive coronal mass ejections. The predicted amount of energy in these CMEs, 10x29 ergs, is enough to jerk and rotate or change the angular momentum of the crustal mantle shell (CMS) of the Earth. The hypothesis requires that previous intense solar winds further magnetized the dipole magnet of the spinning Earth's CMS. Amazingly, the combination of these events produces the amount of predicted rotation of about 23 to 25 degrees for the CMS due to vectorially magnetic field interaction. A reason can be given for the prior intense solar winds because the visiting Nemesis star feeds electrical energy into the Sun as it crosses the helio-magnetosphere 10s of years ahead of its known arrival into the inner solar system.

My previous thoughts were that a magnetic coupling occurred between the Earth's overly magnetic crust and the close encounter with the magnetic field of a passing planet. This may have been a contributory factor, but it was questionable how the necessary energy could be transferred to move the Earth's CMS. However, Robertson's concept much improves that prediction and is stunning. The random but well-aimed CME not only provides enough energy to change the angular momentum of the CMS but also produces roughly the amount of rotation that was already predicted in my hypothesis. This rotation is the angle that the Earth's tilted axis makes with the ecliptic plane, the source of the CME's organized magnetic field. However, my concept that the archetype, the Cosmic Wheel with a tongue, remains. The conjunction of Nemesis and various planets connecting Birkland currents did destroy the Laurentide Ice Sheet with high-energy arc blasting.

Another evolved thought was the synchronous uplift of the western mountain ranges of North and South America. At first, I attributed this uplift to the shift of the tectonic plates jerked quickly westward, being carried over the top of the heavier oceanic plates. The reason for this rapid movement of the plates was due to the latitudinal rotation of the entire CMS. The horizontal vector forces parallel to the crust above the slippery Moho layer and the change in Earth's oblateness combined to produce this stunning synchronous uplift. However, Robertson's concepts of the highly electrified and heated rock layers at the tectonic boundaries caused expansion both thermally and ionically due to phase changes of the molten rock, and they are now added to my version. Robertson's concept lends more credence to anomalous, dramatic uplifts of the crust.

Hall's prediction corroborates beautifully how the worldwide appearance of 'stickman' was caused by Robertson's charged ionosphere coming from the super-massive CMEs. 'Stickmen' represents the dielectric breakdown of the atmosphere between the charged ionosphere and Earth's crustal surface. The effects of the 'stickman' arc blasting and sputtering rock ionically, as pointed out by Hall, created the buttes, mesas, pinnacles, and peculiar deposits of level, diverse, colored sediments found in the USA's Southwest. This calamity also caused the supersonic, electrical dust storms that created the flatiron rocks to be deposited against various worldwide mountain ridges.

In summary, Robertson's and Hall's concepts have brought together the hypotheses of

1) The Nemesis' star, the electrified and magnetized Earth's CMS and ionosphere,

2) The rotation of the CMS by about 23 degrees via the interaction of intense magnetic fields,

3) The changing geoid or oblateness of Earth's crust, worldwide crustal disturbances including dramatic elevation changes,

4) The sinking of the Antarctica landmass that released its ice sheet,

5) The ocean level rising to create the Great Deluge and

6) Thus, taking all these calamities together, most of mankind's existing ancient, advanced civilizations were destroyed.